Thursday, January 1, 2015

Tema/Newtown service Project

We participated in service for a school owned by a branch president in the area. His legs are severely deformed from birth but is amazing to see get around and function. Instead of begging on the streets like so many in his condition, he has made something of himself. The area is very poor and is right on the beach. Imagine what could be beautiful beach front property ruined by a slum in its place. We helped dig and install a water line for the school. The ground was so hard that we had to use pic axes to loosen the dirt and then shovels. We ran the line a long way from the street through another property, under the foundation across the school yard and to the bathrooms. I was moving some rocks when I saw a group of kids watching me so I hired them to move the pile for me for a bottle of water each. We were all hot and sweaty so we went to the church and played and ate. It is so fun to get to know the missionaries. They were arm wrestling and someone decided I needed to try to beat the winner--I did of course--using both hands and my chin!! and I think he let me win!!
Digging the trench

I win

Beach front property

Chicken and rice to burn out the taste buds

The branch president

The school

The whole group

The kids I hired to move rocks

The line

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