Sunday, December 28, 2014

SCEF Service Project in Jamestown

Several Zones participated with SCEF-a charitable organization that helps the street children in the area. School is supposed to be free but once you add the cost of uniforms, books, supplies, it is not and the kids cannot attend without these items. Jamestown is one of the poorest areas in Accra. This was held right near the river where it empties into the ocean. The river is so full of sewage that it was very smelly--luckily the wind changed direction and it got better.So this organization chooses 50 children to pay for school for 5 years and then during those 5 years, they also work with the parents to teach them a trade and find them a job so they can be self sufficient after that time. The church is a big supporter for them and actually donated a large library to their cause. They had those 50 kids plus another 1200 from the area (chosen 25 from each area school as kids that would not be able to have much) come and participate in a big Christmas carneval. We provided the man power for games and entertainment for the kids. They had musical chairs, blow up slides, gunny sack races, a train, duck duck goose and many more. Then they gave them lunch. The hardest part was at the end of the day when the meal was there, they had the kids file out and get their meal on the way out. Many other children in the area heard about the food and showed up, hoping. We had to make a barricade to keep them out it was so sad. Some of the workers were actually swinging a bat at them to keep them back!! Break my heart!!

Elder Fryer

Elder Nash

Tired Out

The barricade

Sister Naziwaa

Carrying water like the natives

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