Saturday, July 25, 2015

6-1-2015 Many of the great couples we serve with here in Ghana

Dr Grant & Susan Hill from Canada



Joan & Robert Smith
our great friends from traveling to China

Jan & John Kirkham-legal

President & Sister Hill of West mission


Pecks from Pocatello,Idaho


Watsons-family history

Crisps our mission office couple

Parkes-work in the temple

Wildes He is the executive secretary to the West Africa 
Mission presidency

Lathams from the West mission

Keeles-West mission office couple
We got to know them at the MTC in Provo

Barretts-He works for the church in Legal and 
she is a psychologist helping our missionaries with issues.

Terrys & Watsons

Slaters he also is an employee in legal.
Terrys-he does IT and she does literacy

Richards-(their daughter was visiting) He is legal

President & Sister Vinson (area presidency)

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