Monday, December 28, 2015

December 1, 2015 Departures

Sabisa, Odame, Ntombana--Moroke, Nandera--Jones, Gballo, Heids

October 12, 2015 Departure

Fausett, Despain, Turley, Sargent, Waako, Henrickson, Vernon, Grissignon, Zick
Johnson, Kidd, Barnes, Bautner, Green, Hatch, Monday, Tyler, Nondala
Mashishi, Ehiozuwa, Oguche, Mabizela, Eze, Tuffour

July 20 2015 Departure

Nash, Jenkins, Francis, Western, Aleman, Brighton, Bryce, Mckay, Garside, Wardell, Strong, VanWagoner

Orton, Coombs, Palmer, Laah, Vuzane, Fryer, James, Jaiyeola, Dhikange

August 20,2015 Departure

Henrie, Beckett, Vogt, Kriser, Hall

August 31, 2015 Departure Group

Kamauoha, Olsen

Nzoyi, Scott, Ijioma, CLouse, Kinglsey, Heids, Clarke, Tukuafu, Hancock, Roundy, Sadare, Wiscomb

Monday, September 7, 2015

06-08-2015 Farewell

The first big group to go home for us. We will miss them!!

                  Taylor,                   Ezieme     Abbott       Murray,  Moss,   Bateman
Abioye, Udofia, McDonald, Anderson, Halevaka, Oguntulu, Timba, Ukuch, Matswake, Kirabo

Saturday, July 25, 2015

6-1-2015 Many of the great couples we serve with here in Ghana

Dr Grant & Susan Hill from Canada



Joan & Robert Smith
our great friends from traveling to China

Jan & John Kirkham-legal

President & Sister Hill of West mission


Pecks from Pocatello,Idaho


Watsons-family history

Crisps our mission office couple

Parkes-work in the temple

Wildes He is the executive secretary to the West Africa 
Mission presidency

Lathams from the West mission

Keeles-West mission office couple
We got to know them at the MTC in Provo

Barretts-He works for the church in Legal and 
she is a psychologist helping our missionaries with issues.

Terrys & Watsons

Slaters he also is an employee in legal.
Terrys-he does IT and she does literacy

Richards-(their daughter was visiting) He is legal

President & Sister Vinson (area presidency)

5-18-2015 Trip to Ho with the Brown's

We traveled up to Ho (about 4 hours away in the Volta Region) to work on the home for our new missionary couple that is coming.
Of course we had to get a flat tire on the way!!

This peacock struts around the hotel

The view from the Sky plus hotel out over looking Ho

The Brown's and us took a side trip to the Monkey Sanctuary.

A phone booth in the middle of nowhere

Attack of the monkeys. We walked up and I did not even
 have any food and they jumped all over me

Rob Brown


Ficus tree feeds off another tree till it kills it.

Nature walk in the jungle.

a bridge headed to Kpando

5-7-2015 Trip to the Nzulezo Village on Stilts

We took a trip west along the coast. We picked up the Miles & Seeders in Cape coast and continued on to the village. On the way, we passed these cute boys cooling off in the river--they were excited to pose and wave to us.

We stayed part way to the village at Busua Beach Resort. A very nice resort on the beach.
The swimming pool

The restaurant

The beach

The food was great

Flies are included

Our room

Seeders, Us, Miles

We hiked along the coast
The local people and sites were great. The kids came out to greet us.

 Some kids were getting water from a well for their family

At the end of the hike was an old slave fort. Fort Metal Cross at Dixcove. It was built in 1692

The harbor near the fort
The light house for the coast

 Our guides Frank and Joseph
Walkway to board the canoe to go out to the village.

Our canoe??

Ready to go

We met the chief and he returned with us to talk to us.

Hanging fish traps

The village from afar. The village was settled as they tried to have protection
 from the kidnappers to trade into slavery. 
They settled on building their village out on a lake.

The people have farm lans across the lake they go to work and bring back food.